how to add fraction

Are you having trouble with fractions and not sure where to start when it comes to adding them? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll dive into the basics of adding fractions, simplifying the process and making it easy to understand. Let’s get started!

Fraction Fun: Let’s Get Adding!

Adding fractions can seem like a daunting task but it’s actually quite simple. The first step is to make sure the fractions you’re adding have the same denominator. If they don’t, you’ll need to do a bit of work to make them the same. For example, let’s say you have the fraction 1/4 and the fraction 2/8, then you’ll need to change the 2/8 to 4/8 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2. Once the denominators are equal, you can add the fractions together. So, in this case, the answer would be 5/8.

Jumping Jitterbugs: Adding Fractions is a Breeze!

Sometimes you’ll come across fractions with more complex denominators. To add these, you’ll need to figure out the least common denominator. To do this, you’ll have to find the highest common factor of the two denominators. Once you’ve found this, you can multiply both fractions by this factor and then add them together. For example, if you have the fraction 3/6 and the fraction 4/12, you’ll need to work out the highest common factor of 6 and 12. This is 6, so when you multiply 3/6 by 1/1 and 4/12 by 2/2, you get the fractions 3/6 and 8/12. From here, you can add the two fractions together and get 11/12.

So there you have it – now you know how to add fractions! No matter what fractions you come across, you can have a go at adding them together using the simple steps we’ve outlined. Have fun and happy fractioning!