how to add and subtract fractions

Fractions can be one of the most intimidating topics in math. But they don’t have to be! With a little practice and understanding, adding and subtracting fractions can be fun and easy. So let’s get started!

Fractional Fun!

Fractions consist of a numerator and a denominator. The numerator is the part that lies on top of the fraction line and represents the number of parts being counted. The denominator is the part on the bottom of the fraction line and represents the total number of parts of a whole. When it comes to fractions, it’s important to make sure that the denominator is the same for both fractions.

When adding and subtracting fractions, the denominators should be the same. To make sure this is true, you can either find the common denominator or, if the denominators are different, use a simple technique known as equivalent fractions. With equivalent fractions, you can make the denominators the same by multiplying each fraction by a number.

Adding and Subtracting with Ease

Once the denominators are the same, you can add or subtract the fractions. To do this, add or subtract the numerators while keeping the denominator the same. If the numerators are the same, then the answer is just the numerator over the denominator. If the denominator is larger than the numerator, then the answer is a proper fraction. Otherwise, if the numerator is larger than the denominator, then the answer is an improper fraction.

When it comes to fractions, practice makes perfect. There are plenty of practice activities and worksheets available online to help you get used to adding and subtracting fractions. Just remember to make sure that the denominators are the same and add or subtract the numerators. With a little practice, you’ll be adding and subtracting fractions like a pro in no time!

Adding and subtracting fractions can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little practice and understanding, you can master the art of fractional fun in no time. So get out there and start adding and subtracting those fractions!