how to activate moldavite

Do you own a piece of Moldavite, the mysterious green gemstone that comes from a meteorite impact in Europe? Moldavite is believed to have powerful metaphysical properties, and to unlock its full potential, you’ll need to activate it. Read on to find out the best way to activate your Moldavite and unlock the mysteries of its mystical powers!

Activate Your Moldavite!

Activating your Moldavite is easy and straightforward. First, you’ll need to get your Moldavite ready. Make sure it’s been cleansed with a saltwater bath or sage smoke, and that it’s free of any dirt or debris. Once it’s ready, you’ll need to energize it. To do this, expose it to sunlight or moonlight for a few hours. You can also place it near an amethyst cluster or keep it on a quartz crystal grid.

Unlock Its Mystical Powers!

Once your Moldavite is energized, its metaphysical properties can be unlocked. It is believed that Moldavite can open up your third eye and help to increase your intuition and psychic awareness. It can also help to connect you to higher realms and spiritual beings, and can even help to heal physical and emotional ailments. To maximize the power of your Moldavite, keep it close to you and wear it or carry it in your pocket.

Activating your Moldavite is a simple process that can help to unlock its powerful metaphysical properties. With regular use, your Moldavite can help you to discover new realms of spiritual awareness and healing energy. Give it a try and see the wonders it can do for you!