how to get a dog to accept a kitten


The classic relationship between cats and dogs is often portrayed as one of animosity, but in reality, the two can be great companions. Having a kitten and a pup living under one roof can be challenging, but with the right tips and patience, you can nurture a purr-fect friendship between the two!

Nurturing a Perfect Purr-fect Friendship

Introducing the two in a calm, controlled environment is key to creating a successful coexistence. Before introducing your puppy to your kitty, it’s best to make sure both pets are comfortable and content with their own space. Give your canine plenty of exercise and training to help them understand proper manners around other animals. Let your kitten explore their environment and get used to their new home. Giving them their own space for a few days can make the transition easier.

When the two are ready to meet, take the pup on a leash and keep them at the kitten’s level. Allow them to sniff each other out, but watch out for any signs of aggression or fear. If either animal appears to be uncomfortable, take off the leash and put a few feet of distance between them. It’s important to offer plenty of praise and treats to establish positive reinforcement so they learn to associate each other with pleasant experiences.

Kitten-Canine Coexistence: Making It Happen!

Once the two have acclimated to each other, it’s time to take some steps to ensure they can coexist peacefully. Make sure both pets have their own food and water bowls in separate areas, and that the kitten has access to areas the pup can’t reach. Be sure to provide plenty of litter boxes and scratching posts for your kitty, and also designate a few designated areas where your pup can relax and be left alone.

Also, consider investing in a few toys that can be used by both animals. This can help them bond and gives them something to do together that can help break up the monotony of day-to-day life. Finally, make sure both pets have plenty of attention and love from you and your family to help them establish a healthy, loving relationship.


It may take some time for your pup and kitten to become best buds, but with a little patience and effort, you can ensure a peaceful and loving coexistence in your home. Don’t forget to offer plenty of positive reinforcement and remember to keep an eye out for signs of fear or aggression. With the right steps, you can nurture a perfect purr-fect friendship between your furry friends!