how to add beads to braids

Are you ready to create some gorgeous, eye-catching braids with beads? Adding beads to your braids can be a creative, fun way to spice up your look—just follow the steps below and you’ll be ready to go!

Get Ready to Braid & Bead!

The first step to creating beautiful, beaded braids is to get organized. Gather all of the supplies you’ll need ahead of time: a brush and comb, hair elastics, and a variety of beads. You can find beads in lots of sizes, shapes, and colors at local craft stores. Once you have all of your supplies ready to go, you can start on the fun part!

Pretty & Colorful Braids Ahead!

Begin by brushing and combing your hair until it is smooth and tangle-free. Separate your hair into three sections: one in the middle, and one on either side. Begin braiding the sections, gathering and looping beads into the braid as you go. Once you’ve reached the end of the braid, secure it with a hair elastic. Repeat this process with the other two sections until you have a full head of beaded braids!

Creating beaded braids can be a great way to accessorize your look and make it stand out from the crowd. With a few simple steps, you’ll be able to create a unique and creative look with ease. So, why not give it a try? Start gathering your supplies and get ready to create some beautiful beaded braids!