how to accept a compliment


Did someone recently say something kind about you? It can be difficult to accept compliments, especially when we’re so used to self-criticism. However, learning how to receive praise and acknowledgement can be important for our self-growth. Here are some tips on how to accept a compliment without feeling awkward.

Achieving Cheerful Gratitude

When receiving a compliment, the most important thing is to show appreciation for the kind words. A simple “thank you” can be all that is needed. If this feels uncomfortable, try to give a smile and a genuine “thank you,” or even a hug. This will make the other person feel appreciated and create a lighthearted atmosphere. Additionally, try to reciprocate the gesture and compliment the other person in return. This will show that you appreciate their kind words and make them feel wonderful.

Similarly, it is important to be humble and not over-exaggerate the compliment. It is also helpful to not be too hard on yourself if you don’t feel comfortable with the kind words and feel like you don’t deserve it. Nobody is perfect and it’s more than alright to show vulnerability and express our feelings, rather than to deny the compliment.

Embracing the Power of Praise

It is also important to remember that receiving compliments is a great way to boost your confidence and make you feel empowered. When we are not used to compliments, it may feel strange to express gratitude for them. However, by continuously accepting kindness and praise, we will start to feel more comfortable and confident in our own skin.

Compliments can also help us to better understand our own strengths. Noticing the things that people value in you can help to expand your self-awareness and give you a better understanding of your own capabilities. Furthermore, it is important to never be ashamed or hide your successes. Letting others know how you are doing and being proud of your achievements can be incredibly empowering.


Although it may feel strange or uncomfortable to accept compliments, it is a great way to boost our confidence and make us feel empowered. By expressing gratitude, being humble, and recognizing our successes, we can learn to accept compliments and give ourselves the acknowledgement that we deserve.