how much bleach to add to laundry

Laundry can be a chore, but with the right technique, it can be a breeze. One of the best ways to get your clothes and linens truly sparkling is to add a bit of bleach into the wash. However, it’s important to get the amounts right so you don’t end up with a white-washed pile of laundry. Read on to learn how much bleach to add to your laundry and some tips to help you get the perfect wash every time.

Splish-Splash, Enjoy that Bleach-y Bash!

Bleach is an effective and powerful way to keep your clothes looking beautiful, but it can be damaging if used improperly. Determining the correct amount to use isn’t as hard as it seems and depends mostly on the size of your load and the type of fabric you’re washing. Generally, the recommended amount of bleach for a full-size load of laundry is ¼ cup. If you’re washing a smaller load, use a bit less. For a really big job, you can use up to ½ cup of bleach.

Making Your Laundry Sparkle with Just the Right Amount of Bleach

It’s also important to keep in mind the type of fabric you’re washing. If you’re washing a load of dark colors or delicates, reduce the amount of bleach you use for the best results. You can also opt for a gentler bleaching agent, such as oxygen bleach. It’s important to always read the label of your detergent before you start the wash and be sure to add the bleach in the correct order.

By following these simple tips, you can make sure your whites are whiter and your colors are brighter. Enjoy a bleachy bash with your washing and you’ll be sure to get the perfect wash every time. So, grab your detergent and bleach and be prepared to get sparkling clean clothes with the right amounts!