how to activate bots in apex

Are you tired of playing Apex Legends against the same human opponents over and over again? It’s time to welcome some new challengers to the arena! By activating bots in Apex Legends, you can battle it out against AI-controlled enemies and level up your skills. Here’s how to get started.

Get Ready to Rumble!

The first step towards activating bots in Apex Legends is to find the right game mode. Currently, bots are available in a number of different modes, including Private Match, Custom Match and the new ‘Play with Bots’ option. Private Match allows you to set up a private lobby with your friends and select the number of bots you want to play against. Custom Match lets you create whatever game mode you want, including options like ‘Bot Only’ and ‘AI Only’. Lastly, the ‘Play with Bots’ option is the quickest and easiest way to get into a game with AI enemies.

Unleashing the Power of Bots in Apex

Once you’ve chosen your preferred game mode, it’s time to start playing! Bots are surprisingly challenging opponents in Apex Legends – they can flank you, use special abilities, and even revive fallen allies. The bots can also be customized to make them easier or harder to beat, depending on your skill level. With a little practice, you’ll be able to make your way up the ranks and have a chance to compete against the best human players.

So, that’s how to activate bots in Apex Legends. Get ready to take on some AI-controlled opponents and level up your skills in no time! With a few practice matches, you’ll be ready to take on the toughest human players. Good luck, and have fun!