how to accept invitation on apex

Inviting friends to join your Apex Legends sessions is a great way to have a blast with your squad. And learning to accept invitations on Apex Legends is a must-have skill if you want to join the fun. So, get ready and let’s dive into the world of accepting invitations on Apex Legends!

Ready, Set, Accept!

Accepting invitations on Apex Legends is a breeze. All you need to do is open the game and look for an invitation notification. Once you find it, just click on the ‘Accept’ button and you’ll be taken straight to the lobby. If your friend has already started a game, you’ll be able to join them in a few moments.

Another option is to go to the ‘Social’ tab and click on the ‘Friend Invites’ section. You can view your pending invitations here and click on the ‘Accept’ button to join your friend’s game.

Embrace the Invite: A Guide to Accepting Invitations on Apex

The beauty of Apex Legends is that you can easily join friends who are already playing a game. To do this, all you need to do is click on the ‘Invite’ button in the ‘Social’ tab, select your friends, and wait for them to accept. Once they do, they’ll be taken to your lobby so you can launch the game.

You can also use the ‘Invite’ button to send invitations to those who haven’t accepted yet. Simply enter the invite code and your friends will be able to join your game. It’s as easy as that.

Accepting invitations on Apex Legends is a straightforward process that will help you and your friends have a great time together. So, don’t forget to send and accept invites and join the fun!