how to accept a friend request on apex legends

Welcome to the Apex Legends family! Apex Legends is one of the most exciting battle royale games on the market, and it’s always more fun to play with friends. Nowadays, with features like friend requests, you can quickly and easily expand your squad to get ready for some epic battles. If you’re looking for tips on how to accept a friend request on Apex Legends, read on for some helpful advice!

Welcoming New Friends to the Apex Legends Family

Getting a friend request on Apex Legends is always an exciting moment. It means you’re one step closer to having a full squad of your friends ready to take on the competition. To accept a friend request, all you have to do is hit the button that’s usually located on the Home screen of the game. Once you hit the button, the request will be accepted and your new friend will be added to your squad. Another way to accept a friend request is to go to the Friends page of the game, look for the pending request, and click on the Accept button.

Embrace the Joy of Growing Your Squad!

Once you’ve accepted a friend request, you can start planning your next match and pasting the chat with your squadmates. Having a group of friends by your side makes each match exciting and rewarding, no matter if you’re in it to win it, or just having fun. You can even create or join a group of friends and start custom matches, or embark on some of Apex Legends’ awesome mission-based challenges.

Having a full squad on your side makes Apex Legends even more enjoyable, and with the game’s friend request system, it’s easy to invite your friends to join your team. Now that you know how to accept friend requests in Apex Legends, start filling up your squad and get ready for some action-packed battles!