how to add images in html

Creating a visually appealing web page can be a challenge. Thankfully, HTML makes it easy to add images and make your page pop. This guide will show you everything you need to know about adding images to HTML with Picture Perfect HTML.

Picture Perfect HTML

Adding an image to your HTML can be a fun and easy way to make your page stand out. Whether you’re looking to add a gallery of pictures, a single illustration, or a logo, HTML has you covered. All you need to do is set up the “ tag and you’ll be good to go.

The ` tag allows you to add an image to your HTML page. It's a self-closing tag, meaning you don't have to worry about including any other tags. All you need to do is set up thesrc` attribute to specify the location of the image and you’re done!

Adding Images with Ease

Now that you understand the basics of adding an image with HTML, let’s get into the nitty gritty. You’ll need to provide an image source, or src, which can either be an URL or a relative link to the image. Once you have that, you can add a few optional attributes like width, height, and alt to modify the image.

The width and height attributes are helpful if you want to specify the exact size of your image, while the alt attribute is used to provide a textual description of the image for accessibility purposes.

Once you’re done setting up your “ tag, you can add it to your HTML page and your image will be ready to go!

Adding images to your HTML page is a piece of cake with the “ tag. Just remember to provide an image source, and you’ll be all set. With Picture Perfect HTML, you can easily make your web pages stand out in no time!