how to add bcc in outlook

Want to send a message to multiple people without letting them know who else is on the recipient list? Outlook makes it easy to add a Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) field to your messages to give yourself and your recipients a bit of privacy. Here’s how to add BCC to Outlook and use it to send secret messages.

Sending Secret Messages with Outlook

With BCC, a message is sent to the recipients in the To and CC fields without the recipients in the BCC field knowing. It’s helpful for keeping conversations private and can be used to quickly send the same message to a large group of people without clogging their inboxes with lots of separate messages.

To use Outlook’s BCC feature, start by composing a new message. If you don’t see the BCC field, select Options > Show Fields > BCC. In the BCC field, enter the email address of the people you want to send the message to without making their address visible to other recipients. Enter other addresses in the To and CC fields as necessary, compose your message, and click Send.

BCCing Your Way to Success

When you add BCC to Outlook messages, you don’t have to worry about the privacy of your conversations or about annoying your recipients with multiple messages. It’s also a great way to keep your own inbox tidy: you can BCC yourself on messages to keep a copy for yourself without cluttering up your inbox with lots of extra messages.

BCC is a powerful tool. Don’t be afraid to experiment with it and see how it can help you stay secure and organized. Have fun using Outlook’s BCC field and take your secret messages to the next level!

BCCing is an easy way to keep conversations private and to stop your inbox from getting cluttered up. With Outlook’s BCC feature, it’s easy to experiment and find the best way to keep your conversations safe and your inbox organized. So don’t wait — start BCCing your way to success today!