how to activate a steam gift card

Getting a Steam Gift Card is an exciting way to purchase games, packs, and other great Steam products. However, before you can take advantage of all of the great Steam features, you’ll need to activate your gift card. Here’s a quick guide on how to get your card up and running!

Unwrap and Activate!

Unwrapping your new Steam Gift card is the first step. Tear the wrapping off the card, and make sure nothing is damaged. Next, find the 16-digit card number on the back of the card. This will be used to link your gift card to your Steam account.

Once you have the card number, open the Steam application on your computer and log in. At the top of the page, select the “Steam” tab, and then click “Activate a Product on Steam”. When you’re asked to enter the product code, enter your 16-digit card number. You’ll then be given access to any games or other products that are linked to your card.

Setting Up Your Steam Gift Card

After you’ve activated your gift card, you’ll need to add the card to your Steam wallet. To do this, select the “Account” tab and then click “Add a Credit Card”. Enter the card number, and then select “Add Funds to your Steam Wallet”. The amount of money added to your Steam wallet will be based on the balance of your card.

Once the card is registered, you’ll be able to use the money to purchase games, boost your Steam level, or buy in-game items. You can also withdraw the money in your Steam wallet to your bank account.

Activating your Steam Gift Card is a quick and easy process, and the money can be used to purchase games, packs, or any other Steam product. Once you’ve added your card to your wallet, you’re ready to go – have fun!