Is there anything more satisfying than receiving your tax refund? Not only do you get to save your hard-earned income, but you can also finally purchase that item you’ve been eyeing for months or treat yourself to a much-needed vacation. The only question is—how long does it take for the IRS to accept your refund? Read on to find out!
Refund Rejoice!
It’s no secret that getting your tax refund is exciting. With the money you get back, you can start that project you’ve been dreaming of or even finance that long-awaited vacation. But before you can start celebrating, you’ll need to know how long it takes for the IRS to accept your tax return and process your refund.
Learn How Long It Takes to Receive Your IRS Refund
The exact time frame of when you’ll receive your refund may vary. But generally speaking, the IRS takes up to 21 days to issue a refund once it’s been accepted. The complexity of your return can also impact the timeline, so if you get an extra-long refund check, it’s not something to be worried about—it just means the IRS is taking a little extra time to process it. Keep in mind that if you’re filing a paper return, it may take an additional year or so to receive your refund.
The IRS also offers a “Where’s My Refund?” tool on its website, which allows you to check the status of your refund by entering your Social Security number, filing status, and the exact amount of your refund. This is a great way to stay up to date with the progress of your refund and make sure it’s on track.
Filing taxes can be a stressful process, but getting your refund can help make it a bit more bearable. As long as you know what to expect, you’ll be able to plan accordingly and enjoy the fruits of your labor. So, keep an eye on that “Where’s My Refund?” tool, and make sure to savor the feeling of getting your refund from the IRS.