how to accept a compliment from a guy

No matter how strong and independent you are, it’s always nice to receive a compliment from a guy. But how you react to the compliment can make all the difference. Here is a guide on how to accept a compliment from a guy in a graceful and mature manner.

Revel in His Admiration

The first step to accepting a compliment from a guy is to allow yourself to relish in the moment. You don’t have to be embarrassed or shy away. Allow yourself to bask in the admiration he has for you. A small smile or a nod of appreciation will let him know that you are grateful.

The second step to accepting a compliment from a guy is to let the compliment stay with you. Instead of pushing it away or brushing it off, allow yourself to dwell in the warm feeling of admiration. Let it warm your heart and make you feel good about yourself.

Graciously Receive His Compliment

When receiving a compliment from a guy, it is important to be gracious. Refrain from trying to push away the compliment or one-up it. Don’t start talking about how someone else is more talented or has more going for them. This will take away from the value of the compliment.

It is also important to respond to the compliment in an appropriate manner. A simple “Thank you” or a “That’s very kind of you to say”, will go a long way. And if you want to add an additional response, focus on the positive and give him a sincere smile.

Accepting a compliment from a guy is a great way to boost your self-esteem and make yourself feel good. Remember that it is okay to bask in the admiration he has for you and thank him sincerely for his kind words. Follow these tips and you will be on your way to graciously accepting a compliment from a guy.