how to accept friend request on apex

Are you eager to join forces with your friends and take on the Apex Legends world together? Then it’s time to learn how to accept friend requests on Apex. It’s super easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. Read on to find out how!

Surefire Steps to Ace Accepting Friend Requests on Apex!

The first thing you need to do is log into the game with your Origin account. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be able to see which of your friends have sent you friend requests. All you need to do is find your friends’ name in the list, and then select the Accept button to add them to your friends list. If your friend has sent you a request, you should see a ‘pending request’ icon next to their name.

The next step is to choose a squad name. This is a fun way to personalize your squad and make it easier for your friends to find you and add you to their team. You can also choose a squad logo or banner if you’d like, but this is optional. Once you’ve chosen a name and logo, you’re ready to jump into the game with your friends and start your Apex Legends adventure!

Add New Peeps to Your Squad with Ease!

You can also send friend requests to other players you’d like to add to your squad. To do this, simply go to the player’s profile and click the ‘Add Friend’ button. If they accept your request, they’ll be added to your friend list and you can invite them to join your squad. You can also join other squads if you’d like, but this requires permission from the squad leader.

If you’d like to invite your friends to join your squad, all you have to do is select their name from your friend list, click the ‘Invite’ button, and then select the squad you’d like them to join. It’s that simple!

With these easy steps, you’ll be able to invite friends, accept friend requests and join forces to take on the Apex Legends world. So what are you waiting for? Get ready to join the Apex Legends world and start your adventure with your friends!