how to add text to a video


Video is a powerful medium for telling stories. But, as any filmmaker knows, simply pointing a camera and capturing a scene isn’t enough. To fully convey the experience, you need to add text to your videos. Adding text to a video can help emphasize a message, clarify a point, or add humor to a scene. Read on to learn how to add text to your videos just like the pros!

Painting with Words: Adding Text to Videos

Adding text to your videos is an easy process. All you need is a video editing program and a few minutes of your time. Here’s how to add text to your videos:

  1. First, open your video in your chosen video editing program.
  2. Then, choose the type of text you’d like to add. Options may include captions, titles, and subtitles.
  3. Next, select the area of the video where you’d like the text to appear.
  4. Finally, type in the words you want to appear in the video. You can customize the font, size, and color as desired.

Once you’re happy with the text, save and export your video. You’re now ready to share your story with the world!

Telling Stories through Video: A Step-By-Step Guide

Adding text to your videos is an excellent way to communicate a message, explain a concept, or narrate a scene. Here are a few tips for adding text to your videos the right way:

  • Make sure the text is legible. Choose a font, size and color that stands out from the background.
  • Don’t overdo it. Use text sparingly and strategically to emphasize important points, rather than overwhelming viewers with words.
  • Consider the context. Think about how the text can add to the story. Is it a comedic piece? Use a witty caption. Is it a serious scene? Choose a font that conveys the tone.

By following these steps and adding text with intention, you can elevate your videos and tell stories the right way.


Adding text to your videos is an easy process that can dramatically improve the impact of your story. Use the tips outlined in this article to add text to your videos just like the pros. So start painting with words and share your story with the world!